Monday, August 18, 2008

My jewelry feature on the Athena Magazine Weblog!

It seems to be my week for web features! Athena Magazine, the fashion lifestyle magazine, has a new weblog. And Amber of Athena Magazine was kind enough to allow me to post the following article about my jewelry there:

Athena Magazine Weblog

It's wonderful to be able to network with so many fascinating women in the fashion field. Meeting one leads to an introduction to another and on and on - other jewelry designers, web designers, fashion critics, magazine editors. And all so wonderfully helpful and gracious. The world of fashion and jewelry is a very nice world indeed!


ChezChani said...

It's must be very nice to have a week. Perhaps it will turn into a month, and then who knows!!

Unknown said...

Congrats....again! You're on a roll! :)