Saturday, June 7, 2008

What a blast garage sales are!!!

Yes, I'm a garage sale-aholic, I admit it.  Yesterday I was about 5 minutes from work and had about 2 minutes to get there and I still stopped for a garage sale I passed (and I AM a very conscientious employee!).  I just can't resist them.  There's just something about them.  You never know what you're going to find.

Of course, there are the days that are a complete waste of gas and time and you come home empty handed.  But then other days make up for it.  Today wasn't an extremely exciting day but I did have a few finds.  The first thing I found and of course couldn't live without is a flowerful "C" - of course, I had to find it - I'm Mrs. "C" after all!  It's already up on the outside of my house.  Here it is - pretty, isn't it?

And then, of course, I'm always looking for china to make jewelry from and also anything I can use to display my jewelry.  I found a beautiful bowl and two wire photo displays that I plan on using to display my earrings on business cards.

I can't wait to break this bowl!  Right now I have a lot of sea glass pieces to finish up but as soon as I break my next piece of china, I plan on taking photos of the entire process and sharing it here with you.

1 comment:

Jersey Smile said...

Garage sales are fun! You never know what you're going to find. I like the C, Mrs. C!

Love, Richie ;)