Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Sea Glass Jewelry!!

I'm very pleased to say that I've just finished putting up a few pieces of my new sea glass jewelry on my website.  There's an ankle bracelet (anklet), a ring and two pendants.  Here's a photo of the anklet.

And the ring.

I wasn't sure at first if the sea glass would fit in with my "cracked" theme, but a lady who has taken some of my jewelry into her store on consignment mentioned that sea glass is formed from "cracked" bottles or glass so it fits in just fine!

The sea glass used in my jewelry is authentic sea glass.  Unfortunately, sea glass is getting harder and harder to find since we use much more plastic than glass these days.  When my daughter was little, we always collected sea glass whenever we went to the beach, which was often.  Luckily, I still have some of that sea glass to make some jewelry pieces with.  I wish I had kept more of it!  Not all of the pieces that I have are the right shape and size to make jewelry with.  

Please visit my online store and take a look at the new line of sea glass wire wrapped jewelry.  And then come back to this blog and let me know what you think!


Jonara Blu Maui said...

Your blog would be so pretty with pictures of this! I have a lot of sea glass I've found here on the beaches of Maui..I also have a bunch that my aunt brought back to me after she visited the island of Kauai not too long after iniki hit...some really cool colors since it wasn't mostly about beer bottles...sadly it was peoples stuff from thier homes. I treasure it though.

Jonara Blu Maui said...

P/S I added your blog link to my blog ;) you can see it here scroll down to 'blogs I read' on the right hand side.